New work on paper. Mr Bear is in trouble again- this time a morphing experiment is going horribly right...
Welcome to my whirled- a whirled of small, innocent looking creatures with foul intentions- a whirled where flying creatures jostle with heavy machinery for space- a whirled where drowning teddy bears is considered a days work- welcome to the Whirled Of Cute.
The MONOKROME book is not far away now and we're all waiting in tense anticipation. Go and visit www.monokrome.co.uk and see what all the fuss is about...
EROTIC CITY (MIAMI 2010) - | IRONLAK FAMILY + guests at PRIMARY FLIGHT. from Ironlak on Vimeo.
EPIC wall from the IRONLAK team and a few surprise guests. Colourfest...BLACK FLY X RISK X SMASH 137 X MIAMI from Willie Toledo on Vimeo.
RISK and SMASH137- two old timer colorsmiths take it to a new dimension1's & 2's | Town RT & Roid MSK from Hotoneten on Vimeo.
I stumbled across this piece when I was last up at The Pit with REKA. It's at the bottom of Trellick Tower and was even more impressive in the flesh...